
Ads With Customer Appeal

What’s the key to making irresistible advertising that builds business?

The goal is to craft advertising that doesn't just capture attention but resonates deeply with an audience, stirring something within them that compels action. That's the magic or the art of creating advertising with customer appeal. So how do you go about it?

Start with focus on a cultural frame

A key to unlocking customer appeal is understanding the cultural context in which your audience operates. Who is your bullseye? Go narrow. What is their mindset, their world view? What are the prevailing trends, beliefs, and conversations shaping their identity? By identifying and deeply understanding your narrow audience definition you can begin to think about shaping very resonant work. This is often very difficult for clients to understand because they think that by going narrow, your ads won’t appeal to a broader customer base. Nothing could be further from the truth. The work becomes aspirational.

Hit the right vein, then let the world do the work for you

Hitting the right vein means striking a chord with your audience on a level that goes beyond superficial appeal and the expected. It's about tapping into their values, desires, and aspirations. Real insight. When you do this successfully, you create a ripple effect where satisfied customers become your most passionate advocates, spreading the word far and wide. This is how approaching your target as a bullseye works…you create advertising for a very specific group, but the work becomes aspirational and then it resonates far beyond the narrow audience you’ve defined.

You must have a clear point of view

It has been said that the average person is exposed to 10,000 ads every day. In this sea of advertising noise, having a clear point of view is like a beacon guiding lost ships to shore. It's about taking a stand, expressing your brand's values authentically, and inviting your audience to join you on a journey that resonates with their own beliefs and aspirations.

Don’t negotiate

When it comes to your brand's identity and message, there's no room for compromise. Don't dilute your message or water down your brand's essence in a bid to please everyone. Stay true to your vision, even if it means polarizing some audiences. Remember, it's better to be loved passionately by a few than tolerated by many.

Execute beautifully. Flawlessly.

Execution is where the magic happens. It's the moment of truth when all your planning and strategizing come to life. Whether it's a stunning visual, a compelling narrative, or an immersive experience, every element of your campaign should be crafted with care and precision. Don’t go cheap. Beauty isn't just skin deep; it's the attention to detail that sets your brand apart and leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

So, there you have it – the secret sauce behind advertising with customer appeal. It's not just about selling a product or service; it's about forging a connection, sparking emotion, and inspiring action. So dive deep, hit the right vein, and let the world do the work for you. After all, when you create advertising with customer appeal, you will have truly created a campaign that has momentum and legs with subsequent executions that are able to simply write themselves.